Monday, February 14, 2011

Bench Promo Shoot

On Sunday February 13th, I was invited to shoot customers at the Bench store for a Grammys promotion. The photos are on the Bench Facebook page where people can "Like" their friends photo and they can win a Grammy prize package.

It was a really great time. I think the staff at the store had more fun with it than anyone.
More after the jump

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Making of a photo.

This photo that was taken in a back alley in Havana, Cuba, has become one of my all time favorites that I have taken. The rich colors and dynamic range along with the leading lines and unbalanced foreground make for a very interesting photo.
Here is the finished photo. Look at it full screen to really appreciate it. The .tiff file for this photo is over 100mb!
See how humble this photo's beginnings really were after the jump

Viva Cuba

Once again, photos that I have had kicking around for a long time without posting. These photos were taken on a trip to Cuba in 2010.

This is one of my all time favorite photos. I will post soon on how I made it.
 More photos after the jump


This group of photos is a select few that I shot for a professional wrestler in Edmonton. His name is David Mercer and he goes by the stage name "Barricade" 
The idea of this shoot was basically to give him some promotional photos for his promoter, however, my favorite shots from this shoot were some of the more candid shots.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I was looking through photos of a trip I took with my wife to Seattle in August and I figured I should post some. It is pretty easy to be inspired when you are in such a beautiful city. I know that a bunch of these will look suspiciously like your average "tourist shots", but I think I have some neat photos in the bunch.

The above photo is of a busker tuning his guitar on post street in the Pike Place Market.
 I take a lot of pride on my black and white conversions. I worked this photo to give the lights a nice glow before fine tuning the contrast. I use both photoshop and lightroom in these conversions as they both do different tasks better that the other.
More after the jump