Saturday, February 12, 2011

Viva Cuba

Once again, photos that I have had kicking around for a long time without posting. These photos were taken on a trip to Cuba in 2010.

This is one of my all time favorite photos. I will post soon on how I made it.
 More photos after the jump

1 comment:

  1. That HDR rendition of the alley with the car is truly an incredible photo. I can look at if for a long time searching and uncovering new things I did not notice at first. You were even able to manage to create some emotion with this photo. It's not just a back alley but close to someone door to their home! There are clothes drying along a line which depicts their true culture and way of life. The resting dog is another great subject in the photo as well. He doesn't even care to get up! haha
